Okay, so that teaser post underestimated the timing by a day, but we've still got news for you! And by "we", I mean myself and 16 other talented Newgrounds writers.
As you can probably guess from the title, I'm involved in the Newgrounds Writing Anthology, a collection of short stories and poems. After over two years' worth of work, the anthology is ready for publication. All we need are the funds, which is where the brand spankin' new Kickstarter Campaign comes into play. All funds go directly towards publication of the anthology in both digital and print formats. Even $1 would help us reach our goal of seeing the anthology published!
We're not about to ask for money and give nothing in return, though. Some pretty sweet rewards have been set up, and even the minimum pledge gets you a PDF of one of the anthology stories. So please, take a moment to check out the Kickstarter. We'd appreciate any and all support!
Thanks, and happy reading!